A day in the life…

What does in-home postpartum support actually look like when you partner with me?

Making a plan. When I arrive, I’ll check in with you to see if there is anything you need RIGHT NOW. If you’re not sure, we’ll sit down together and make a plan.

I’ll follow your lead, but some questions or topics we might cover include physical recovery and healing, sleep support, infant care and feeding, emotional support. as well as education and resources. Plus, household management and organization, light housekeeping, laundry, and food prep or snacks and meals.

You might tell me that the dirty kitchen is really bugging you and you haven’t eaten a real meal since yesterday. You really need a nap because the baby was awake a lot last night. You’re also in pain, need time to call your doctor, and would really love a shower today. From there, we’ll make a plan together. It might look like this…

Supporting you. We’ll work together to find ways to manage your pain, if possible. I’ll cover any resources you might need to support you in areas where you need more expertise. I’ll brew some tea or coffee, pour a giant glass of water, and prepare a hearty breakfast to support the work your body is doing. You can shower and call your doctor while your baby hangs with me in the kitchen in a baby carrier or a bassinet.

When you’re ready, I’ll bring you breakfast and get the baby settled while you eat and hydrate. You can feed your baby and as soon as they’ve finished I can either settle your baby near you or take them with me while you get some sleep. You decide! While you sleep, I’ll clean the kitchen, tidy up and/or care for your baby.

When you wake, we’ll chat about any additional concerns or needs you have before my time is up. I’ll follow up with any resources for questions we left unanswered and confirm our next visit.

Tailored to you. This is just one example what what support can look like… the kind of support you will receive will be unique to your family's needs and preferences and can change from day to day.